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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question you need answered about our City?  Below you will find a list of frequently asked questions on numerous topics.  You can also view frequently asked questions for individual departments and topics by clicking any of the following links:  Assessing, Elections, Property Tax & Special Assessments, and Water & Sewer.

If you are unable to find an answer to your question here feel free to contact us.  We'd be happy to help you!

Where can I park downtown?

Street parking is available on almost all streets in the downtown.  All street parking in the downtown is free of charge and has a 2-hour time limit.  Those desiring to stay more than 2 hours can park in one of the numerous public parking lots with time limits ranging from 4 hours to 72 hours.

Owosso Map of Downtown Parking Lots

Downtown Living - Tenants will receive a parking permit from their landlords.  The parking permits allow tenants to park in the lots downtown without a time limit.

How do I get rid of my garbage?

Garbage and recycling services are not provided by the city.  Such services must be set up by the property owner with a private provider.  View our garbage and trash pickup page to learn more about service providers. 

How do I reserve a pavilion at one of the parks?

Pavilion rental is available for Harmon Patridge, also known as Green Meadows, and Bentley Parks.  Reservations are accepted after January 1st of each year, for that calendar year.  (Effective July 1, 2018 a non-refundable fee of $25 will be required for city residents and a non-refundable fee of $75 will be required for non-city residents).  Reservations can be made at the Building Department at City Hall.  Any questions contact (989) 725-0540. 

May I rent Curwood Castle for a wedding or other event?

Yes!  Curwood Castle is available for rent on an hourly basis.  Due to the Castle's historic nature, and in the interest of public safety, the capacity limits must be strictly adhered to.  Contact (989) 723-2155 for more details or to make reservations.

What are the hours and admission cost for Curwood Castle?

Admission donations of $5.00 per adult and $2.00 per child under 12 are requested in an effort to help the Historical Commission maintain this piece of Owosso history.  The Castle is open Tuesday through Sunday, except holidays, from 1:00pm - 5:00pm.  The Castle is closed January, February and March. 

When are dog licenses available?

Dog licenses for city residents are sold from December through February each year at the Information Desk in City Hall.  They are also available from local veterinarians and the Shiawassee County Treasurer's Office in Corunna throughout the year.  Proof of rabies vaccination and neutering/spaying, if applicable, is required.   

How do I get a copy of the City of Owosso Code of Ordinances?

The Code of Ordinances can be viewed on the internet or by visiting the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall.  Should you have a question regarding an ordinance please call 725-0500 for more information. 

Where is the local Secretary of State's Office?

The Owosso Secretary of State branch office is located at 1395 East M-21 on the south side of the road just east of Walmart. 

Where can I register deeds?

At the Shiawassee County Register of Deeds office in the old courthouse in Corunna located at 208 North Shiawassee Street. 

Where do I get a birth certificate, death certificate or marriage license?

All vital records are maintained by the Shiawassee County Clerk at 208 North Shiawassee Street, Corunna, MI 48817. You may contact the County Clerk’s office by phoning (989) 743-2279 or sending an email to clerk@shiawassee.net

How do I get a license to open a business, liquor license or operate a home business?

To open a business, you will first need a DBA (Doing Business As) license. That is obtained from the Shiawassee County Clerk’s Office in the old courthouse in Corunna.

To apply for a liquor license, you need to contact the Liquor Control Commission at the Michigan Department of Consumer & Industry Services at (517) 322-1345.

For operation of a home business, please refer to Section 38-394 of the Owosso City Code of Ordinances. 

Where do I pay my parking tickets? 

At the Public Safety Building, 202 South Water Street across the parking lot from City Hall.

Where do I pay my ambulance bills?

At the Public Safety Building, 202 South Water Street, across the parking lot from City Hall.