A Main Street Community
301 W. Main Street Owosso, MI 48867 (989) 725-0599
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The audio file for the March 3, 2025 City Council meeting is temporarily unavailable. Due to the large file size, adjustments to the website must be made. We hope to be able to post the audio recording within the next 24 hours. We apologize for the inconvenience.
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2025 Spring & Summer Yard Cleanup Guide
PROJECT STATUS REPORT 2023 Street Patch Program Work scope includes patches on various streets within the city of Owosso needed for water main breaks, sewer repairs, etc. The contract was extended to November 30, 2025. This work will begin again in Spring 2025. 2024 Sidewalk Replaceme...
Utility Rates Study Highlights
Notice is hereby given that the City of Owosso intends to issue revenue bonds in the principal amount not to exceed $11,620,000 for the purpose of defraying the cost of improvements to the City's water supply system. For further information on this bond issuance and the public's right to refer...
Goosepocalypse? Not quite but here’s the scoop on BirdFluGate 2025: Owosso, we’ve got some fowl play happening along the river. The Michigan DNR suspects that our local Canada geese might be dealing with Avian Influenza (Bird Flu), but they haven’t officially confirmed it ye...
We have received calls/emails from concerned residents about emails pretending to be from the city about their auto-pay. We did not send this email and will not ask for your bank account information via email.
Individuals making online payments to the City of Owosso will experience a new and improved payment portal. This format will make it easier to search for property information and pay bills online. The City of Owosso has partnered with BS&A Payments/Stripe to make this upgrade. The partnership h...
By order of the Owosso City Council, regular meetings of the Council will begin at 6:30 p.m.
Due to a technical error, there is no audio recording of the November 18, 2024 City Council meetings available. We apologize for the mistake.
PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF OWOSSO, MICHIGAN SIDEWALK SNOW REMOVAL REQUIRED Sec. 29-226. Required. The occupant of every lot or premises adjoining any street, or the owner of such lot or premises, if same are not occupied, shall clear, and keep cleared all sidewalks adjoining such lot or premises from ...
Get Ahead of Lead flyer
Attached is the 2024 Leaf Brochure
Please click the link below to view important information about your drinking water:
PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF OWOSSO GRASS AND NOXIOUS WEEDS CUTTING REQUIREMENTS Sec. 18-122-125. It is the occupant's and/or the owner's responsibility to maintain yards and vacant lots free of the following: 1) Growth of noxious weeds; 2) Growth of grass over eight (8) inches; or 3...
PUBLIC NOTICE TO CITY OF OWOSSO PROPERTY OWNERS REGARDING UNPAID UTILITY CHARGES PURSUANT to Section 15.4 of the Owosso City Charter and at the direction of the Owosso City Council, notice is hereby given that all unpaid utility charges for utility services remaining unpaid for a period of three ...
City of Owosso Budget Draft 1- FYE 06-30-2025
2022 Water Quality Report
2021 Water Quality Report
Owosso Fire Department issues Citations of Valor In recognition of their heroic acts, the Owosso Fire Department is honored to issue the Citation of Valor to the following personnel: Owosso Fire Lieutenant Matt Nowiski Owosso Firefighter John McKay Owosso Township Fire Lieutenant Mike Gute Owos...
Changes have been made to the boundaries of the City's voting precincts by the City of Owosso Election Commission. Every ten years, after the completion of the census, the entire country undergoes the reapportionment/redistricting process where political district and precinct boundaries are ad...
NOTICE OF REQUEST TO CHANGE BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS The City of Owosso, in accordance with the National Flood Insurance Program regulation 65.7(b)(1), hereby gives notice of the City’s intent to revise the flood hazard information along the Shiawassee River, generally located between M-52 and M...
Important Public Education materials about lead in drinking water
Public Advisory on Lead & Copper Rule Action Level Exceedance
The City of Owosso will be using the local alert feature offered by Facebook to help provide timely and accurate information to our residents. Facebook has created the first alert feature for local governments, first responders, and public health agencies to increase their ability to communicate eff...
Attached is the highlighted version of the new sign ordinance, showing the changes and an informational flyer regarding the sign ordinance changes.
Please click the following link to view more information regarding the trash collection discussion.
The City Council amended the fireworks ordinance at their June 3, 2019 meeting, reducing the days and times when the usage of fireworks is allowed in the City. This amendment is effective immediately. Text of the amended ordinance can be viewed by clicking the link below.
Do not place debris from spring yard cleanup in the street at the curb. This material will plug up storm drains creating flooding conditions and can be a hazard to traffic flow. The City has no spring debris pickup. Brush is picked up starting the last Wednesday of every month, this does ...
During the April 15, 2019 City Council meeting the Council voted to approve an emergency ordinance amendment to Ordinance No. 795, which was approved March 18, 2019. The emergency ordinance amendment took effect immediately after passage. The intent of the emergency amendment was t...
MDEQ Pilot Drinking Water Infrastructure Grant - Proposed Water Service Line Replacements
2020 Owosso DWRF Project Plan
Notice: As of January 1, 2019 utility account deposits will be $225.
The City of Owosso was recently tested for Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in its water supply. In a report provided by the MDEQ, sampling results reveal that the City of Owosso water supply was a Non Detect or less than 10 parts per trillion for these substances. The USEPA action limi...
One of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) Pilot Drinking Water Infrastructure Grant Community Survey areas to be investigated for lead or galvanized water service line identification and replacement if found is as attached.
You are beginning to see changes with the fire hydrants in Owosso. In the past couple years we have repainted almost all of the city fire hydrants and now the remaining fire hydrants in the city are being finished up. We will also go back through the city and change the cap colors in acc...
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) Pilot Drinking Water Infrastructure Grant Community areas to be targeted for lead or galvanized water service line replacement will be as follows: 2018 Street Construction Projects - Locations are currently attached. Residential Lead &...
Are we connected to the Flint Water System, should I be concerned about my water in Owosso? No, we have our own water supply from our own groundwater wells right here in Owosso. We have excellent water quality from our wells and our water treatment ensures that our water is not corrosiv...
Joint News Release: Memorial Healthcare and Owosso Fire Department Team Up to Bring Faster Care to Cardiac Patients
ISO News Release November, 2015
Owosso Downtown Added to National Register of Historic Places
Design Ordinance FAQ
Download the Good Neighbor Policy 2012