Utility E-Billing

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Utility E-Billing

We are pleased to offer a new fast, and efficient service for utilities customers: E-billing.

City of Owosso utilities customers can now sign up to receive an e-bill, which is an electronic bill that can be viewed online. You will still receive your normal paper bill in the mail.

For more information call the City of Owosso Treasurer’s Office at 989-725-0520.

To sign up, use the online form below to submit your Authorization Form.

Please read and acknowledge this important information regarding your statement delivery method.

Terms and Condtions

  • By completing this enrollment form, you are choosing to receive your City of Owosso Utility Statement electronically. You will still receive a statement by mail.
  • You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time by contacting the Water Department at 989-725-0520.
  • Once enrolled in the electronic e-bill program, you are responsible for ensuring receipt of the email. The City of Owosso will send your statement to the email address you provide and if you fail to receive it, you are responsible for all charges on the account by the due date. If payment is received after the due date, penalties will apply. In order to ensure that we are able to provide you with accurate billing information, you must update us with any changes in your email address. The City cannot ensure electronic delivery of your utility bill.
  • All electronic bill statements can be printed and saved electronically to your computer for your records.
  • If you use spam filters for emails, please add the Owosso Utility System to your approved senders list. mailto:NO-REPLY@CI.OWOSSO.MI.US
* Required